Thursday, December 29, 2011


The divorce between Deion Sanders and his wife of 12.5 years is heating up.  We recently reported Deion Sanders released a statement to the mother of his 3 kids stating the marriage was over.  But here's where it gets interesting Pilar Sanders' lawyer, Larry Friedman, is telling the media she was "heartbroken and surprised when [she] read ... that Deion announced his decision, on his own, to end their marriage."  basically she got the news when the rest of us got it.

And then in a stranger twist Dieon 19 year old daughter chimes in and really "goes in" on Pilar with a vicious childish twitter war,  Deion Sanders' estranged wife is a "gold diggin h*e" who has been screwing around behind Deion's back ... this according to the NFL star's daughter. 

Deiondra Sanders -- Deion's 19-year-old daughter from a previous relationship -- just BLASTED her step-mom on her Twitter account ... claiming Pilar Sanders has been a TERRIBLE wife to her famous father.  Before she unleashed, Deiondra apologized to her father -- claiming Deion "is going to be very upset at me 4 he always takes the higher route."

Then ... she GOES OFF -- claiming Pilar straight up LIED when she claimed she found out Deion filed for divorce.

Deiondra writes, "#HowYouDidntKnow but yo boxes have been packed for weeks now."he adds, "HowYoTopPriorityBeen yo marriage and yo kids when u flying out to see other n**gas ... yeah we know. Deiondra added, "All u had to do was be a supportive wife. Only thing u ever cared about doing with my dad is reality shows."

SHE STAY TRYNA SLANDER MY DADDY NAME, THE SAME NAME THAT MADE THAT MADE HER FAMOUS. #HowYouDidntKnow but according THE BLOGS this yo SECOND ATTORNEY cause u tryna fight a prenup #GoldDigginH*e all u had to do was be a supportive wife. ONLY THING U EVER CARED ABOUT DOING WITH MY DAD IS REALITY SHOWS, ALL STAR AND SUPPER BOWL…. #HowYoTopPriorityBeen yo marriage and yo kids when YO OWN KIDS cant even talk to their brothers and sister without getting a whoopin? my sister turned 8 December 14th i COULDN’T even take her spa day for her birthday she told me “my mommy wont allow me to go wit u” ON BIBLE

Enough said, this is a mess!! ol’ girl basically ripped Pilar a new a*shole!