Tuesday, December 20, 2011


This pimp is not playing, or is he trying to cover up his own abuse?  Either way these are some serious accusations that are being said about his ex-gold digger.  

Huh...but she married him and based on her words that means she would have been F**cking one right, interesting, and if that was the case why didn't he file for divorce? instead of his wife?

 Howard is in the middle of perhaps the nastiest divorce we've ever seen -- with both sides accusing the other of extreme violence and other hateful conduct. 

Now, Howard has filed a new declaration in L.A. County Superior Court --  claiming Michelle inexplicably turned from a "loving, gentle" person ... into a monster ... who once threatened to have him killed by some violent Russians. 

In the docs, Howard notes Michelle is NOT black -- and claims that when she would get upset, she would scream things like, "[I] never wanted to marry a n**ger in the first place" and "[I] definitely didn't want to be the step mother of some n**ger kids."

Howard claims Michelle is trying to extort him over private recordings she allegedly stole from his computer -- and in the new docs, T.H. alleges his wife threatened to have him "clipped" if he went to police. 

Howard says his wife once bragged, "I have a lot of Russian friends who would do it as a favor."

 Howard also claims Michelle has jealousy issues -- and TWICE attacked him with a bottle after accusing Howard of talking with other women. Howard claims he never struck back. 

Terrence has asked the court to issue a restraining order against Michelle. A hearing is set for January 17.  This is a mess...to be continued!