Thursday, April 5, 2012


On the day she died, Whitney Houston complained of a sore throat, so she decided to take a bath in her hotel room at the Beverly Hilton before getting ready for a pre-Grammy party. 

The singer's assistant left Houston to run an errand at Nieman Marcus. When the assistant returned to the singer's room around 3:35 p.m. on Saturday Feb. 11, Houston was lying face down in the bathtub in approximately 13-inches of water, according to an autopsy report released Wednesday. 

The bathtub was filled with water and there was water on the bathroom floor, however, the water was not running. She called out to the bodyguard and they pulled the decedent out of the bathtub. The assistant then called downstairs telling them.  The Coroners' report notes "there are no signs of foul play."

The full autopsy report has been released for Whitney Houston, and disturbing details are revealed in the forty-two page document, including there was a white substance found in the bathroom on a spoon, and that Whitney had a perforation in her posterior nasal septum, is reporting.

"Whitney's eyes were congested and there was a bloody purge coming from her nose. There were 2 superficial abrasions to the left side of her forehead and there was a superficial abrasion to the left side of the bridge of her nose." There were minor abrasions noted on her left arm, left hand and right shoulder.

During Whitney's formal autopsy, the report says, "tattoos are not present. Rigor mortis is present in the limbs and jaw....The head is normocephalic and is covered by black hair. A brown wig is tightly attached to the hair. This is removed and placed in a paper bag to accompany the body. There is no balding and the hair can be described as wavy." There was no genital or anal trauma detected.

Whitney's upper teeth "have been replaced with a full arch maxillary dental prosthesis supported by dental implants. There are natural lower teeth present." Whitney had "400 grams of watery fluid with portions of food material in her stomach."

The final autopsy asserts that toxicology testing "showed cocaine, benzoylecgonice, cocaethylene, marijuana, Xanax, Flexiril, and Benadryl...Death was due to drowning due to effects of atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use. No foul play is suspected. The mode of death is accident."